Her name is Bo Bo, and she is a very elegant cat.
I have never thought that I could feeding pets till I met Bo Bo.
She has beautiful deep gray hair, this is what I proud of her, so does she, I guess.
When I saw her at first time, she curled up on the cats pend alone, and I observed her for few minutes.
She didn't move from I first time saw her.
I decided to adopt her just less than a minute, for she looks so lonely, just like me.
Now, we love each other very much.
I let her to be herself, and I hope that she can enjoys this life.

(Bo Bo enjoys sunbathing at our past house)

This two lovely cats are one year old now!
The left cat named Bao Bao, and the right one named Ni Ni.
They are twins from there mom who gaves birth to five little cats.
They looks like each other so much when they are three months.
Now, they are more and more different, and more and more cute!
Bao Bao has a light voice.
When she felts hungry or cats pend was too dirty, she uses her light voice to scream immediately.
Even though she just wants me to stay right her side.
Ni Ni was different with Bao Bao.
She is very gentle and carefully. She talks rarely.
But sometimes she talks to me that I can heard her whisper.
They are so special!
These three cats are most important family in my life,
no one can replace them.
no one can replace them.